Outdoor Matching Day

Outdoor Matching Day is a B2B business opportunity created for the Exhibitors and Co-exhibitors of Outdoor Expo.
The protagonists will be 50 tourist Buyers specialized in the organization of active outdoor holidays: Tour Operators, Sports Event Organizers, Sports Federations and Associations coming from all over Italy and Europe.
02/03/2018 - 09:30 - 18:30
BolognaFiere - Piazza Costituzione, 1 - Bologna -
Outdoor tourism is experiencing a very positive season.
Active holidays in the nature are one of the most important trends of the last few years.
Starting from March 2018, outdoor tourism professionals will have the opportunity of counting on a brand new, important B2B event: Outdoor Matching Day, taking place on 2nd March 2018 at BolognaFiere, to meet 50 Buyers specialized in the organization of active outdoor holidays, events and competitions.
Outdoor Matching Day was created as a B2B business opportunity for the Exhibitors and Co-exhibitors of Outdoor Expo www.outdoorexpo.eu, the innovative trade show which will be held from 2nd to 4th March at BolognaFiere, with specialized Exhibitors and a busy schedule of competitions, shows, demos, challenges, training courses both for the most famous outdoor activities, and for the most unusual and spectacular.
The protagonists of the event will be 50 Buyers specialized in the organization of outdoor active holidays: Tour Operators, Sports Event Organizers, Sports Associations and Federations coming from all over Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Northern Europe, Benelux, United Kingdom, Poland0, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Baltic Republics, Russia.
The Outdoor Matching Day meetings will take place directly at the stands, with the Buyers visiting the Exhibitors and making at least 16 appointments, which will be certified from the Exhibitors on a dedicated agenda.
The Outdoor Matching Day progamme will be completed by different Themed Famtrips, which will enable to Buyers to get to know and experiment personally itineraries and proposals dedicated to Cycling, Mountain Biking, Trekking, Hiking, Nordic Walking, combined with ad hoc hospitality and services customized for this target of customers.
For further information, please contact:
Tourist Trend 0039 051 6761770 outdoorexpo@tourist-trend.it